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Auto-loading Playlists AA?

Creating an Auto-Loading Playlist is the perfect way to keep up to date on the latest material of interest to you. An auto-loading playlist automatically adds new published content that fits your initial search inquiry.

How to Create an Auto-Loading Playlist:

  1. Start by Searching or Browsing the Audio Digest Catalog.
  2. From this initial search, if desired, you can refine your search by using the Narrow My Results functionality on the left side bar. Use the Keyword bar to add an additional term or use the Search Filters to narrow the results.
  3. Click on Add All Results To My Library
  4. Check the box next to Update My Library and Playlist as similar content becomes available.
  5. Name your playlist in the Enter playlist name text box.

NOTE: You will not be able to manually add content to an Auto-Loading Playlist.


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Issue ID (i.e. AN0103 or ANBR0103)
Date Range
  • AN
    Navigating the Logistical and Medicolegal Challenges of Cardiac Anesthesiology Anesthesiology / Lavinia M. Kolarczyk, MD / 1.00 Credits / 26:26 / October 07, 2024 / AN6637
    Navigating the Logistical and Medicolegal Challenges of Cardiac Anesthesiology

    Anesthesiology | Lavinia M. Kolarczyk, MD October 07, 2024 | 1.00 Credits | 26:26

    The goal of this program is to improve adherence to protocols in requesting cardiac anesthesia (CA) services. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Optimize use of CA in patients who are pregnant.
    2. Explain methods used to triage complex patients.

  • AN
    Perioperative Insulin Pump Therapy Anesthesiology / H. Daniel Adams, MD / 0.25 Credits / 08:32 / October 07, 2024 / AN6637
    Perioperative Insulin Pump Therapy

    Anesthesiology | H. Daniel Adams, MD October 07, 2024 | 0.25 Credits | 08:32

    The goal of this program is to improve management of heart failure (HF). After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Implement best practices for managing insulin pumps in the operating room.

  • AN
    Acute and Chronic Pain: The Role of Pain Psychology Anesthesiology / Amy M. Goetzinger, PhD / 1.00 Credits / 30:06 / October 07, 2024 / AN6637
    Acute and Chronic Pain: The Role of Pain Psychology

    Anesthesiology | Amy M. Goetzinger, PhD October 07, 2024 | 1.00 Credits | 30:06

    The goal of this program is to improve patient outcomes through pain management. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. List risk factors for developing chronic pain.
    2. Use cognitive behavioral therapy in patients with chronic pain.

  • AN
    Care Opportunities in Obesity Management Anesthesiology / Alaina P. Vidmar, MD / 1.00 Credits / 26:30 / September 28, 2024 / AN6636
    Care Opportunities in Obesity Management

    Anesthesiology | Alaina P. Vidmar, MD September 28, 2024 | 1.00 Credits | 26:30

    The goal of this program is to improve management of obesity. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Identify children for potential treatment with medications for obesity.
    2. Differentiate dual glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists from single agonists.
    3. Select an oral agent for treatment of obesity.

  • AN
    Mindfulness in Medicine: Mumbo-Jumbo or Meaningful Practice? Anesthesiology / Lynne D. Boone, DO / 1.25 Credits / 39:04 / September 28, 2024 / AN6636
    Mindfulness in Medicine: Mumbo-Jumbo or Meaningful Practice?

    Anesthesiology | Lynne D. Boone, DO September 28, 2024 | 1.25 Credits | 39:04

    The goal of this program is to improve the practice of mindfulness in medical providers. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Use techniques from dialectical behavior therapy to improve mindfulness.
    2. Recognize conditions which cause moral distress in health care providers.

  • AN
    Hemodynamic Instability Following Induction of General Anesthesia Anesthesiology / Alan M. Smeltz, MD / 1.00 Credits / 31:19 / September 21, 2024 / AN6635
    Hemodynamic Instability Following Induction of General Anesthesia

    Anesthesiology | Alan M. Smeltz, MD September 21, 2024 | 1.00 Credits | 31:19

    The goal of this program is to improve management of postinduction hypotension (PIH). After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Relate decreased interoperative mean arterial pressure to increased risk for kidney injury.
    2. Select a method for assessment of interoperative cerebral auto-regulation.
    3. Choose induction agents for patients at increased risk for PIH.

  • AN
    Electronic Medical Records: Friend or Foe? Anesthesiology / Abdallah Dalabih, MD, MBA / 0.75 Credits / 23:36 / September 21, 2024 / AN6635
    Electronic Medical Records: Friend or Foe?

    Anesthesiology | Abdallah Dalabih, MD, MBA September 21, 2024 | 0.75 Credits | 23:36

    The goal of this program is to improve integration of electronic medical records (EMRs) into clinical practice. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Use data mapping tools to extract information from EMRs.
    2. Anticipate effects of implementation of EMRs on clinical practice.

  • AN
    Challenges of Anesthesia Care During Flight Anesthesiology / Robert S. Isaak, DO / 2.00 Credits / 59:08 / September 14, 2024 / AN6634
    Challenges of Anesthesia Care During Flight

    Anesthesiology | Robert S. Isaak, DO September 14, 2024 | 2.00 Credits | 59:08

    The goal of this program is to improve management of medical emergencies on airplanes, spaceships, and space stations. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Identify the most common in-flight medical emergencies.
    2. Detect vagal involvement in patients with syncope based on physical symptoms.
    3. Manage in-flight medical emergencies involving psychiatric conditions, substance use disorders, and substance use withdrawal.
    4. Summarize various protections provided to clinicians in the Aviation Medical Assistance Act.
    5. Develop management strategies for administering anesthesia and performing medical procedures during space flight.

  • AN
    Cardiac Acronyms, Mnemonics, and Pearls Anesthesiology / James Beckerman, MD / 2.00 Credits / 55:42 / September 07, 2024 / AN6633
    Cardiac Acronyms, Mnemonics, and Pearls

    Anesthesiology | James Beckerman, MD September 07, 2024 | 2.00 Credits | 55:42

    The goal of this program is to improve cardiac care. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Recognize the clinical benefits associated with use of statins.
    2. Appraise the cardiovascular risk reduction associated with additional vascular interventions.
    3. Apply mnemonics to cardiology practice.
    4. Distinguish among physiologic and pathologic heart sounds.
    5. Diagnose cardiac conditions based on associated murmurs.

  • AN
    Evidence-Based Practice: Best Practices Surrounding Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs Anesthesiology / Michael Fabbro II, DO, MBA / 2.00 Credits / 54:30 / August 28, 2024 / AN6632
    Evidence-Based Practice: Best Practices Surrounding Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs

    Anesthesiology | Michael Fabbro II, DO, MBA August 28, 2024 | 2.00 Credits | 54:30

    The goal of this program is to improve clinical practices related to monitoring neuromuscular blockade. After hearing and assimilating this program, the clinician will be better able to:

    1. Evaluate current guidelines and best practices for monitoring neuromuscular blockade.
    2. Implement a process improvement cycle comprised of planning, doing, studying, and acting.
    3. Analyze the incidence of residual paralysis with use of sugammadex.
    4. Recognize the barriers to change in clinical practice.
    5. Identify important factors associated with motivation for organizational change.

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You've answered {{CorrectlyAnsweredCount}} out of {{Questions.length}} questions correctly. Based on your results, we recommend the following courses to you. To see the details of your results, scroll down!
  • {{kgr.LectureAssociated.Specialty.Acronym}}
    {{kgr.LectureAssociated.Name}}{{kgr.LectureAssociated.Specialty.Name}} / {{kgr.LectureAssociated.PublicationDate | date:'MMM dd, yyyy'}}
    {{kgr.LectureAssociated.Credits}} Credits / {{kgr.LectureAssociated.IsABIM ? "MOC Points (ABIM)" + " " + kgr.LectureAssociated.Credits + " /" : "" }} {{kgr.LectureAssociated.Length.toHHMMSS()}}

    {{kgr.LectureAssociated.Specialty != null ? kgr.LectureAssociated.Specialty.Name : ""}} | {{getCommaBasedSpeakers(kgr.LectureAssociated.speakers)}} {{kgr.LectureAssociated.PublicationDate | date: 'MMMM dd, yyyy'}} | {{kgr.LectureAssociated.Credits}} Credits | {{kgr.LectureAssociated.Length}}

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Auto-loading Playlists?

Creating an Auto-Loading Playlist is the perfect way to keep up to date on the latest material of interest to you. An auto-loading playlist automatically adds new published content that fits your initial search inquiry.

How to Create an Auto-Loading Playlist:

  1. Start by Searching or Browsing the Audio Digest Catalog.
  2. From this initial search, if desired, you can refine your search by using the Narrow My Results functionality on the left side bar. Use the Keyword bar to add an additional term or use the Search Filters to narrow the results.
  3. Click on Add All Results To My Library
  4. Check the box next to Update My Library and Playlist as similar content becomes available.
  5. Name your playlist in the Enter playlist name text box.

NOTE: You will not be able to manually add content to an Auto-Loading Playlist.

